
Welcome to Three Rivers Deep blog!

Here you will find updates as we continue our journey to publication!  I invite you to follow us and track our progress.

To read an overview of book one, go to Three Rivers Deep: Body & Soul(s).

I also make freaking sweet cat trees.  And I post photos of those trees, and cats on trees, and just cats.  And shiny, lovely things.  Underwater things that sometimes move.  For example, this here little lovely:

 shiny-lady-underwaterAwe!  She’s so shiny!

divider_2{please note: i do not claim copyright on photos posted. Credit is given whenever known. Please contact me if you know the source; I will update immediately.  Thanks!!!}


 “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.”

                                                           ~ Bob Marley

57 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: (Lovely) Word of the Day: Lu·tra·phil·i·a | Three Rivers Deep -- book series

  2. Pingback: (Lovely) Word of the Day: Am·y·cho·phil·i·a | Three Rivers Deep -- book series

  3. Hi Tiffany,

    I came upon your Pinterest mood board for the character of Aurora and the tag line for your book series Three Rivers Deep. Even the title alone stirred something up inside me and when I searched further into your Pinterest boards for this story, I knew I had to contact you immediately. I am very in tune with this elemental, clairvoyant world. It’s beauty, it’s loneliness, it’s fierce, raw, dark energy that not a lot of people understand, let alone that the protagonist of this story understands. But for her to come in contact with these mysterious “others” that understand it on a level that takes her on a journey of awakening to this higher self that she never knew existed but felt all the time, is just so powerful and otherworldly, but human too.

    I’m reaching out to you now because your visual work for this book and what I’ve read thus far has stirred my soul. I’m so moved by what I’ve seen and what it’s conjured up in me.

    I am a film actress based in Los Angeles and have been searching for stories and characters like what you have created. A character in a story world that is in me already that I can relate to but is also challenging and soul opening that transcends what’s on the page. I would really love to have a chat with you about your work and the passion and soul behind it.

    Thank you and I look forward to hopefully hearing from you.



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